During his lifetime Charles Wesley, brother of John Wesley, wrote over 6000 hymns many of which have been favourites for over 300 years. Hymns such as “And can it be, that I should gain”, “Love divine, all loves excelling” and “Rejoice, the Lord is King” have been sung by Christians all over the world.
In the 1970s 120 of the hymns of Charles and John Wesley were collected in to a hymn book called, “Hymns of Eternal Truth.”
We have created a SundayWorship song database of these hymns so that they can be imported to your SundayWorship song database. Each song each labelled with its index in the Hymns of Eternal Truth so you can find it more easily.
To download the song database file click here.
To add the songs to SundayWorship follow these steps:-
- Extract HoET.sdb from the HoET.zip file
- Start SundayWorship
- File –> Import –> SundayWorship song database
- Click Browse…
- Select the HoET.sdb file you just extracted.
- Select the songs you want to import.
- Select a method for handling duplicates.
- Click OK to import the selected songs
Posted on June 19th, 2010 by Matthew | 2 Comments »
SundayWorship v1.1 adds support for importing songs exported from EasiSlides.
To import your EasiSlides song database into SundayWorship you first need to export them from EasiSlides as follows.
- Start EasiSlides.
- Click Tools -> Export.
- On the Export dialog select the songs you want to import into SundayWorship.
- Set the path of the file to save the songs to.
- Click Export
To import the songs into SundayWorship follow these steps:-
- Start SundayWorship.
- Click File -> Import -> EasiSlides exported songs
- Click Browse… to select the XML file containing the exported songs
- Select the songs that you want to import
- Choose how to deal with songs that are already in the SundayWorship song database
- Click Import to perform the import
Posted on June 15th, 2010 by admin | Comments Off on Importing songs from EasiSlides
SundayWorship v1.1 allows you to open and run Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from within SundayWorship. With this release we support PowerPoint 2003 & 2007.
To open a presentation in SundayWorship click File -> Open -> PowerPoint presentation.
The opened presentation will be added to the current schedule and the slides will be displayed in the preview view. You can look at the slides before showing them by clicking on a slide in the preview view.
To run the presentation you must first send it to the live view. To to this you can double click on the presentation file name in the schedule or click the Send to live toolbar button.
Once the presentation is in the live view, click the Live button.
The presentation will start running on the same display that songs and other items are being shown on.
You control the show as a normal PowerPoint presentation. When you close the presentation, return to SundayWorship.
SundayWorship allows you to run your presentation manually, or by using the slide show settings from the presentation. By default the slides in your presentation will be advanced when you click the mouse.
To run the presentation using the slide show settings right click on the presentation in the schedule, and click Properties. On the dialog click Use timings, if present and then click OK.
Double click the presentation to send it to the live view, and then click Live to start it running. The presentation will run use the Slide show settings from the presentation.
Posted on June 15th, 2010 by admin | Comments Off on Running PowerPoint presentations
We are very pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of SundayWorship.
This release adds two major features to SundayWorship.
- Support for running Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from SundayWorship
- The ability to import songs from EasiSlides.
You can download the latest version from here.
The next couple of blog posts will explain how to use these new features.
Posted on June 15th, 2010 by admin | Comments Off on V1.1 of Sunday Worship Released